Friday, August 29, 2008

breakfast cookies

Here is my Kid's Breakfast Cookies recipe. I have one I make for
myself that is different. More mama friendly (high fiber, lower fat
and chocolate!).

This makes a HUGE batch and I do it in my Bosch. DO NOT try to double
it in your Bosch!! It makes a ton. If you want less then just half

1 1/2 c butter
3 c peanut butter
2 1/2 c sucanat, brown sugar or granulated sweetener of choice or a
combo of sweeteners
3 c white flour **
3 c wheat flour
1/2 c ground flax seed
5 c rolled oats
2 TB baking soda
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1 TB cinnamon
2 big scoops of protein powder (optional. I like to use hemp protein)
6 eggs
2TB vanilla
1 c milk
1 c pumpkin, applesauce or pureed fruit or veggie of choice.
1 cup of mini-chocolate chips (yum!) optional

** I have used white flour or barley, rice, millet, or any other flour
I have on hand.

Cream all the wet stuff together. Add dry stuff and mix in. Drop on
cookie sheet and bake at 350 for about 15 min.

It is a huge batch and looks intimidating but it will be so worth it
to have these in the freezer ready for a quick breakfast or snack.
They are sometimes a bit dry so a big glass of milk or kefir and a
cookie go great together and fill you up! Store in freezer and pull
out and microwave for a few seconds and it is like having a fresh
baked breakfast cookie!

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